Parts of northern India will experience widespread rain or snowfall over the next few days amid a gradual rise in temperatures. The India Meteorological Department has issued an orange alert as cold day conditions lingered over Punjab and Haryana. Rainfall is also expected in Delhi-NCR and other parts of northwest India from December 4.
“We are forecasting a western disturbance which may become active from tomorrow. Along with this, there is a possibility of another western disturbance. Temperatures may rise in east, central and north India in the next three to five days. We are also predicting heavy rain and snowfall over the western Himalayan region,” said IMD scientist Soma Sen Roy.
According to the Met department there is a western disturbance that is currently active over north Pakistan and likely to bring precipitation to the Western Himalayas over the next two to three days. A second and stronger western disturbance is likely to impact the plaints of north-west India from December 4. IMD said that the latter may cause “heavy snowfall over Jammu and Kashmir and light to moderate snowfall in Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand” later this week.
Temperatures are also expected to rise by by 3℃ to 5℃ over northwest India during next five days. There will be no significant change in minimum temperatures over east India during the next three days.
“Wet spell over Western Himalayan Region during next one week and over plains of northwest India during January 5 and 6. Dense fog and cold day conditions likely to continue over parts of Northwest and central India during the next two days and improve thereafter,” the weather department forecast.
(With inputs from agencies)