Lucknow: Outpatient department registration at KGMU was disrupted on Wednesday morning due to server outage. The heavy influx of patients led to chaos at the New and Old OPD blocks. Registration services at Lari Cardiology and Queen Mary’s Hospital came to a standstill too, prompting angry attendants to stage protests.
Around 7,000 to 8,000 patients visit the OPD daily. The registration process begins usually at 8 am, followed by commencement of OPD services at 9 am. On Wednesday, however, patients waiting in the cold grew agitated when registrations did not begun even by 10 am. KGMU administration then started offline registration to manage the situation, providing relief to patients.
Queues for report collection and fee submission witnessed chaos too. Following instructions from officials, the process of offline fee collection was initiated after some delay. Patients were advised to wait for reports. The attendants and staff calmed down after receiving assurance from authorities.
KGMU spokesperson Prof Sudhir Singh said, “Server issue arose due to a fire incident involving NIC server in Delhi. By afternoon, the problems were resolved and all online services were restored by midday.”
Lucknow: Outpatient department registration at KGMU was disrupted on Wednesday morning due to server outage. The heavy influx of patients led to chaos at the New and Old OPD blocks. Registration services at Lari Cardiology and Queen Mary’s Hospital came to a standstill too, prompting angry attendants to stage protests.
Around 7,000 to 8,000 patients visit the OPD daily. The registration process begins usually at 8 am, followed by commencement of OPD services at 9 am. On Wednesday, however, patients waiting in the cold grew agitated when registrations did not begun even by 10 am. KGMU administration then started offline registration to manage the situation, providing relief to patients.
Queues for report collection and fee submission witnessed chaos too. Following instructions from officials, the process of offline fee collection was initiated after some delay. Patients were advised to wait for reports. The attendants and staff calmed down after receiving assurance from authorities.
KGMU spokesperson Prof Sudhir Singh said, “Server issue arose due to a fire incident involving NIC server in Delhi. By afternoon, the problems were resolved and all online services were restored by midday.”