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Jhelum RiverJhelum River at Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India.

Jammu and Kashmirunion territory of India (until October 31, 2019, a state), located in the northern part of the Indian subcontinent centered on the plains around Jammu to the south and the Vale of Kashmir to the north. The union territory is part of the larger region of Kashmir, which has been the subject of dispute between India, Pakistan, and China since the partition of the subcontinent in 1947. Legislation passed in August 2019 set the stage for downgrading Jammu and Kashmir from statehood to union territory status and splitting off a part of it, known as the Ladakh region, into a separate union territory. The change went into effect on October 31 of that year.

Jammu and Kashmir, formerly one of the largest princely states of India, is bounded to the east by the Indian union territory of Ladakh, to the south by the Indian states of Himachal Pradesh and Punjab, to the southwest by Pakistan, and to the northwest by the Pakistani-administered portion of Kashmir. The administrative capitals are Srinagar in summer and Jammu in winter. Area 16,309 square miles (101,387 square km). Pop. (2011) 12,367,013.


Jammu and Kashmir, India: streams and settlementsStreams and settlements in the mountains of Jammu and Kashmir union territory, northern India.(more)

The vast majority of the union territory is mountainous, and the physiography is divided into five zones that are closely associated with the structural components of the western Himalayas. From west to east those zones consist of the plains, the foothills, the Pir Panjal Range, the Vale of Kashmir, and the Great Himalayas zone. The climate varies from alpine on the eastern edge to subtropical in the southwest. In the alpine area average annual precipitation is about 3 inches (75 mm), but in the subtropical zone (around Jammu) rainfall amounts to about 45 inches (1,150 mm) per year. The entire region is prone to violent seismic activity, and light to moderate tremors are common. A strong earthquake centered in neighboring Pakistani-administered Kashmir killed hundreds in Jammu and Kashmir state in 2005.

The plains

The narrow zone of plains landscape in the Jammu region is characterized by interlocking sandy alluvial fans that have been deposited by streams discharging from the foothills and by a much-dissected pediment (eroded bedrock surface) covered by loams and loess (wind-deposited silt) of Pleistocene age (about 11,700 to 2,600,000 years old). Precipitation is low, amounting to about 15 to 20 inches (380 to 500 mm) per year, and it occurs mainly in the form of heavy but infrequent rain showers during the summer monsoon (June to September). The countryside has been almost entirely denuded of trees, and thorn scrub and coarse grass are the dominant forms of vegetation.

The foothills

The foothills of the Himalayas, rising from about 2,000 to 7,000 feet (600 to 2,100 meters), form outer and inner zones. The outer zone consists of sandstones, clays, silts, and conglomerates, influenced by Himalayan folding movements and eroded to form long ridges and valleys called duns. The inner zone consists of more-massive sedimentary rock, including red sandstones of Miocene age (roughly 5.3 to 23 million years old), that has been folded, fractured, and eroded to form steep spurs and plateau remnants. River valleys are deeply incised and terraced, and faulting has produced a number of alluvium-filled basins, such as those surrounding Udhampur and Punch. Precipitation increases with elevation, and the lower scrubland gives way to pine forests higher up.

The Pir Panjal Range

The Pir Panjal Range constitutes the first (southernmost) mountain rampart associated with the Himalayas in the union territory and is the westernmost of the Lesser Himalayas. It has an average crest line of 12,500 feet (3,800 meters), with individual peaks rising to some 15,000 feet (4,600 meters). Consisting of an ancient rock core of granites, gneisses, quartz rocks, and slates, it has been subject to considerable uplift and fracturing and was heavily glaciated during the Pleistocene Epoch. The range receives heavy precipitation in the forms of winter snowfall and summer rain and has extensive areas of pasture above the tree line. It is drained principally by the Jhelum, Punch, and Chenab rivers.

The Vale of Kashmir

western HimalayasBirch trees in the western Himalayas, Jammu and Kashmir union territory, northern India.(more)

The Vale of Kashmir is a deep asymmetrical basin lying between the Pir Panjal Range and the western end of the Great Himalayas at an average elevation of 5,300 feet (1,620 meters). During Pleistocene times it was occupied at times by a body of water known as Lake Karewa; it is now filled by lacustrine (still water) sediments as well as alluvium deposited by the upper Jhelum River. Soil and water conditions vary across the valley. The climate is characterized by annual precipitation of about 30 inches (750 mm), derived partially from the summer monsoon and partially from storms associated with winter low-pressure systems. Snowfall often is accompanied by rain and sleet. Temperatures vary considerably by elevation; at Srinagar the average minimum temperature is in the upper 20s F (about −2 °C) in January, and the average maximum is in the upper 80s F (about 31 °C) in July.

Up to about 7,000 feet (2,100 meters), woodlands of deodar cedar, blue pine, walnut, willow, elm, and poplar occur. From 7,000 to 10,500 feet (3,200 meters), coniferous forests with fir, pine, and spruce are found. From 10,500 to 12,000 feet (3,700 meters), birch is dominant, and above 12,000 feet there are meadows with rhododendrons and dwarf willows as well as honeysuckle.

The Great Himalayas zone

The Great Himalayas lie along the eastern border with Ladakh. Geologically complex and topographically immense, the Great Himalayas contain ranges with numerous peaks reaching elevations of 20,000 feet (6,100 meters) or higher, between which lie deeply entrenched remote valleys. The region was heavily glaciated during the Pleistocene Epoch, and remnant glaciers and snowfields are still present. The zone receives some rain from the southwest monsoon in the summer months—and the lower slopes are forested—but the mountains constitute a climatic divide, representing a transition from the monsoon climate of the Indian subcontinent to the dry continental climate of Central Asia. Jammu and Kashmir contains only a small section of the Great Himalayas, but the highest summit in the union territory, at Bharanzar in the Kishtwar district, still manages an impressive elevation of 21,500 feet (6,550 meters).

Animal life

Among the wild mammals found in the union territory are the rare hangul (or Kashmir stag) found in Dachigam National Park, the endangered markhor (a large goat) inhabiting mainly protected areas of the Pir Panjal Range, and black and brown bears. There are many species of game birds, including vast numbers of migratory ducks.

People of Jammu and Kashmir

The cultural, ethnic, and linguistic composition of Jammu and Kashmir varies across the region. About two-thirds of the population adheres to Islam, a greater proportion than in any other Indian state or union territory apart from Lakshadweep; Hindus constitute most of the remaining third. There also are small minorities of Sikhs and Buddhists. The union territory’s official languages are Urdu, English, KashmiriDogri, and Hindi.

The Jammu region

Jammu, winter capital of the maharajas (the former Hindu rulers of the region) and second largest city in the union territory, was historically the seat of the Dogra dynasty. More than two-thirds of the region’s residents are classified as Hindu. Most of Jammu’s Hindus live in the southeastern portion of the region and are closely related to the Punjabi-speaking peoples in Punjab state; many speak the Dogri language. The majority of Sikhs in the union territory also live in the Jammu region. To the northwest, however, the proportion of Muslims increases, with Muslims making up a dominant majority in the area around the western town of Punch.

Kashmiris of the vale and highlands

Jammu and Kashmir, India: Aliabad rest area (sarai)Along the Mughal Road in the Pir Panjal Range lie ruins of Aliabad rest area (sarai), one of the many historical sites in Jammu and Kashmir union territory, India.(more)

The Vale of Kashmir, surrounded by the highlands of the broader Kashmir region, always has had something of a unique character. The vast majority of the people are Muslims who speak Kashmiri or Urdu. Culturally and ethnically, their closest links are with peoples in the northwestern highlands of the Gilgit area (in the Gilgit-Baltistan district) of the Pakistani-administered sector of Kashmir. The Kashmiri language is influenced by Sanskrit and belongs to the Dardic branch of Indo-Aryan languages, which also are spoken by the various hill peoples of Gilgit. Kashmiri has rich folklore and literary traditions. The great majority of the population resides in the lower reaches of the vale. Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir’s largest city, is located on the Jhelum River.

Settlement patterns

Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India: Nagin LakeHouseboats along the shore of Nagin Lake, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India.(more)

Jammu and Kashmir’s physiographic diversity is matched by a considerable variety of human occupation. In the plains and foothills of the southwestern region, colonization movements from the Punjab areas over a long period of time have produced numerous agricultural settlements. In the dun regions and lower valleys of the foothills, where alluvial soils and the availability of water for irrigation make agriculture possible, the population is sustained by crops of wheat and barley, which are gathered in the spring (rabi) harvest, and of rice and corn (maize), gathered in the late summer (kharif) harvest; livestock also are raised. The upper sections of the valleys support a sparser population that depends on a mixed economy of corn, cattle, and forestry. Herders migrate to higher pastures each spring to give their flocks the necessary forage to produce milk and clarified butter, or ghee, for southern lowland markets. In winter the hill dwellers return to lower areas to work in government-owned forests and timber mills. Agricultural hamlets and nucleated villages predominate throughout union territory; cities and towns such as Jammu and Udhampur function essentially as market centers and administrative headquarters for the rural populations and estates in the vicinity.

Demographic trends

The population of Jammu and Kashmir continued to increase fairly rapidly from the late 20th into the early 21st century, growing by nearly one-fourth between 2001 and 2011. The region has remained largely rural, nearly three-fourths of its people living in towns and villages, but urbanization has increased. Nearly two-fifths of the urban population resides in the Srinagar region. The sex ratio is relatively poor, about 890 females per 1,000 males at the 2011 census, lower than it was in the 2001 census (900 females per 1,000 males).

Economy of Jammu and Kashmir


The majority of the people of Jammu and Kashmir are engaged in subsistence agriculture of diverse kinds on terraced slopes, each crop adapted to local conditions. Rice, the staple crop, is planted in May and harvested in late September. Corn, millet, pulses (legumes such as peas, beans, and lentils), cotton, and tobacco are—with rice—the main summer crops, while wheat and barley are the chief spring crops. Many temperate fruits and vegetables are grown in areas adjacent to urban markets or in well-watered areas with rich organic soils. Sericulture (silk cultivation) is also widespread. Large orchards in the Vale of Kashmir produce apples, pears, peaches, walnuts, almonds, and cherries, which are among the union territory’s major exports. In addition, the vale is the sole producer of saffron in the Indian subcontinent. Lake margins are particularly favorable for cultivation, and vegetables and flowers are grown intensively in reclaimed marshland or on artificial floating gardens. The lakes and rivers also provide fish and water chestnuts.

Resources and power

The union territory has limited mineral and fossil fuel resources, much of which are concentrated in the Jammu region. Small reserves of natural gas are found near the city of Jammu, and bauxite and gypsum deposits occur in the vicinity of Udhampur. Other minerals include limestone, coal, zinc, and copper. The pressure of population on land is apparent everywhere, and all available resources are utilized.

All the principal cities and towns and a majority of the villages are electrified, and hydroelectric and thermal generating plants provide power for industrial development based on local raw materials. Major power stations are located at Chineni and Salal and on the upper Sind and lower Jhelum rivers. Jammu and Kashmir has vast hydroelectric generating potential, principally along the Chenab River in the southwestern part of the union territory but also including the basins of the Indus, Jhelum, and Ravi rivers. Although by the early 21st century only a relatively small fraction of that potential was being exploited, a large number of projects were in various stages of planning or completion at the end of the 2010s that were intended to considerably boost the union territory’s generating capacity.


Kashmir shawlDetail of a Kashmir shawl, wool embroidery, 19th century; in the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya (formerly Prince of Wales Museum of Western India), Mumbai, India.(more)

Metalware, precision instruments, sporting goods, furniture, matches, and resin and turpentine are the major manufactures of Jammu and Kashmir, with the bulk of the union territory’s manufacturing activity located in Srinagar. Many industries have developed from rural crafts, including handloom weaving of local silk, cotton, and wool; carpet weaving; wood carving; and leatherwork. Such industries—together with the making of silverwork, copperwork, and jewelry—were stimulated first by the presence of the royal court and later by the growth of tourism; however, they also owe something to the important position achieved by Srinagar in west Himalayan trade.

In the past the city acted as an entrepôt for the products of the Punjab region on the one hand and of the high plateau region east of the KarakoramPamir, and Ladakh ranges on the other hand. Routes still run northwestward into Gilgit via the Raj Diangan Pass and northeastward via the Zoji Pass to Leh and beyond.


Gulmarg, Jammu and Kashmir, IndiaSki trail at the winter sports center in Gulmarg, Jammu and Kashmir union territory, India.(more)

Although facilities for visitors to Jammu and Kashmir have improved considerably since the late 20th century, the union territory’s potential in the tourist sector has remained generally untapped. In addition to historical and religious sites, visitor destinations include the snow-sports center at Gulmarg in the northern Pir Panjal Range west of Srinagar and the union territory’s many lakes and rivers.

Transportation and communications

Transport within Jammu and Kashmir remains a problem, although the Indian central government has made a substantial investment in developing the infrastructure of the union territory. As a result of the India-Pakistan dispute over the Kashmir region, the route through the Jhelum valley from Srinagar to RawalpindiPakistan, was closed in the late 1940s. The route was reopened in 2005, but in the intervening years its closure had made it necessary to transform a longer and more-difficult cart road through Banihal Pass into an all-weather highway in order to link Jammu with the Vale of Kashmir; included was construction of the Jawahar Tunnel, which at the time of its completion in 1959 was one of the longest in Asia. That road, however, is often made impassable by severe weather, which causes shortages of essential commodities in the vale. A road also connects Srinagar with Kargil and Leh in Ladakh. In addition, a route through the Pir Panjal Range that followed the ancient Mughal Road opened in 2010, significantly reducing the travel distance between Punch and the vale.

Jammu is the terminus of the Northern Railway of India. In the 1990s construction got underway on a rail link between Jammu and Baramula (via Srinagar) near the northern end of the vale. Work proceeded slowly, but by the early 21st century the segments had been completed between Jammu and Udhampur and from Baramula to just south of Anantnag (the southern limit of the vale), southeast of Srinagar. Srinagar and Jammu are linked by air to Delhi and other Indian cities, and there is air service between Srinagar, Leh, and Delhi.

Jammu and Kashmir’s remoteness and inaccessibility were major impediments to developing traditional landline telephone service. The advent of mobile telephony, however, transformed telecommunications in the region. The use of landlines there steadily dropped, while usage of mobile devices grew dramatically to completely dwarf the older technology in numbers of subscribers.

Government and society

Constitutional framework

Until 2019, Jammu and Kashmir retained a special status within the union government of India as a semiautonomous state. Unlike the rest of the states, which are bound by the Indian constitution, Jammu and Kashmir followed a modified version of that constitution—as delineated in the Constitution (Application to Jammu and Kashmir) Order, 1954—which affirmed the integrity of the state within the Republic of India. A governor, who was appointed by the president of India, served as head of state and was aided and advised by an elected chief minister as head of government and a council of ministers. The legislature consisted of two houses: the Legislative Assembly (Vidhan Sabha), comprising several dozen members elected from single-member constituencies; and the smaller Legislative Council (Vidhan Parishad), with most members elected by various groups of politicians, local administrators, and educators and a few appointed by the governor. The union government had direct legislative powers in matters of defense, foreign policy, and communications within the state and had indirect influence in matters of citizenship, Supreme Court jurisdiction, and emergency powers.

In August 2019 the union government effectively suspended the constitution of the state of Jammu and Kashmir and in October the state was formally bifurcated into the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir and the union territory of Ladakh. Under this reorganization, the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir came under the administration of a lieutenant governor appointed by the president of India, aided by a chief minister and a council of ministers appointed by that lieutenant governor. The reorganization also provided for a Legislative Assembly, with members elected to five-year terms, though it may be dissolved by the lieutenant governor before the term expires. Unlike with state legislatures, which have constitutional authority over matters of public order and policing, those matters fall under the domain of the union government (through the lieutenant governor as its representative). The territory directly sends five elected representatives to the Lok Sabha (lower chamber) and four members, elected by the combined Legislative Assembly and Council, to the Rajya Sabha (upper chamber) of the Indian national parliament. Jammu and Kashmir shares with Ladakh union territory a common High Court, which consists of a chief justice and 11 other judges, who are appointed by the president of India.

Health and welfare

Medical service is provided by hospitals and dispensaries scattered throughout the union territory. Influenza, respiratory ailments such as asthma, and dysentery remain common health problems. Cardiovascular disease, cancer, and tuberculosis have increased in the Vale of Kashmir since the late 20th century.


Education is free at all levels. Literacy rates are comparable to the national average, but female literacy is considerably lower than that for males. The two major institutes of higher education are the University of Kashmir at Srinagar and the University of Jammu, both founded in 1969. In addition, agricultural schools have been established in Srinagar (1982) and Jammu (1999). A specialized institute of medical sciences was founded in Srinagar in 1982.


The history of Jammu and Kashmir in its regional setting, both before and after Indian independence in 1947, is given in the article Kashmir.

The decision by Hari Singh, the Dogra maharaja of Kashmir, to sign the Instrument of Accession in October 1947—thus joining Kashmir to the Indian union—precipitated warfare between India and Pakistan that culminated in the establishment of the line of control (cease-fire line) in the region in July 1949. The territory that India administered on its side of the line, which contained both Jammu (the seat of the Dogra dynasty) and the Vale of Kashmir, took on the name Jammu and Kashmir. However, both India and Pakistan have continued to claim the entire Kashmir region, and tensions generally have remained high along the line. Fighting has occasionally broken out between the two sides, notably in 1965. India has also contested China’s presence in areas that India claimed as part of Hari Singh’s accession. Meanwhile, the process of formalizing Jammu and Kashmir’s status as a state took several years and was completed only in 1957.

The pro-India Jammu and Kashmir National Conference (JKNC) governed the state for most of the time between accession in 1947 and the 2019 suspension of statehood. Interludes were mainly filled by the Indian National Congress (Congress Party)—notably from 1964 to 1975. The state was also administered directly by the central Indian government for brief periods, although one such occurrence lasted for six years (1990–96). Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah, founder of the JKNC, served as the first head of government (called prime minister until 1965 and then chief minister) until he was dismissed from office by the national government in 1953 and was imprisoned for 11 years on the grounds that he sought to separate Jammu and Kashmir from India. Abdullah later returned to government as chief minister, in office from 1975 to his death in 1982. His son, Farooq Abdullah, also served as chief minister (1982–84, 1986–90, and 1996–2002), as did Farooq’s son Omar Abdullah (2009–15).

In August 2019 the national government suspended Jammu and Kashmir’s autonomy and applied India’s constitution fully to the territory. It also passed legislation to downgrade the state to a union territory in October—thereby allowing the union government full control over its governance—and to split the Ladakh region off into a separate union territory of its own. In December 2023 India’s Supreme Court upheld the government’s decision to revoke Jammu and Kashmir’s semiautonomous status. The court ruled that the decision was constitutional, on the grounds that the region’s status had been a “temporary provision.”

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