
Why we suffer, fall in love, and feel joyful

It is intriguing to realise the connect that one soul feels with another soul, kindred or otherwise. It may appear quite baffling to find a seemingly unknown or unconnected certain individual or a creature appearing as known or familiar. One may find it difficult to explain as to why and how one feels the way one does for some individuals – feels drawn or close, connected or simply repelled or appalled. This is a strange phenomenon, not easily understood in rational terms. One has to understand it in a larger spiritual context.

There is an individual soul, the Atma, and a universal soul, Brahmn, alternatively called Jivatama and Paramatma, respectively. Atma is a part of Brahmn just as a drop is of the ocean. The drop in itself is not the ocean, but without these drops the ocean is not possible. The ocean is real because of these countless drops, connected with each other in some uncanny way. So is the case with limitless sky, which is the sum total of many parts, each appearing as a complete sky in itself but not being so in reality. One can also draw an analogy with the letters of the alphabet. Each letter is complete, but it can become more meaningful only when joined with other letters in a more purposeful pattern. The drop is aspirational and so is the piece of sky, and letters of the alphabet. It is their aspiration and their journey towards completeness and fulfilment that is to be understood.

It is in this aspiration, this journey, that individual souls find purpose in connecting with one another, in forms human or otherwise. Our friends and foes, family and relatives, colleagues and acquaintances and even our pets and random strangers that come in our lives, are souls connected with us through some invisible and inexplicable threads of past lives and incomplete transactions.

My father in this life may have been my friend in some past life and my friend may have been my father. This may explain why a brother may appear distant, a son may appear more brotherly and a sister, motherly. There is an unfinished agenda that the soul has to address. There is something to be given and something to be taken. The repayments of debts happen through feelings, joys and tears. There is a constant endeavour to find the reasons why we long and suffer or love and feel wasted or feel joyful and contented.

There is a cosmic reason why spiritually stronger people are meant to take care of relatively weaker ones and hence become their guardians or caregivers in some way. Relationships are only some labels given for social acceptance and convenience. What and how we feel today is a cumulative experience, gathered in many births. The journey of the soul is interesting and intriguing. It is a journey that should be enjoyed, not for any other reason but for the journey itself and for the many lessons, joys and mysteries that it unfurls.

The writer works with GOI



Views expressed above are the author’s own.


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