
WWE SmackDown Results – 7/26/24 (Gauntlet Match, LA Knight)

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results
July 26, 2024
CHI Health Center in Omaha, Nebraska.
Commentary: Corey Graves and Wade Barrett
Results by: Roy Nemer of Wrestleview.com

WWE SmackDown kicks off with clips of last week’s show where The Bloodline attacked Cody Rhodes and Kevin Owens.

Back in the arena, The Bloodline are with Nick Aldis backstage. We see Tonga Loga with an eye patch and Aldis tells them that Tonga Loa is not cleared to compete and they will have to forfeit their spot in the gauntlet. Solo tells him The Bloodline is not forfeiting anything. He says The Bloodline will be represented by Tama Tonga and Jacob Fatu if that is okay with Aldis and Aldis says it is. Solo tells Jacob Fatu to bring the titles back home.

LA Knight vs. Santos Escobar with Elektra Lopez

The bell rings and we are under way. A hip toss by LA Knight followed by an arm drag take down. Escobar gets to his feet and out of it but LA Knight with an arm bar. He throws Escobar to the ropes and he hits him with an elbow to the face. He gets Escobar in the corner and climbs the second rope, hitting him with right hands but Escobar trips him up in the corner. A chop to the chest by Escobar onto LA Knight in the corner. A snap suplex by Escobar and he gets LA Knight into a modified sharpshooter but LA Knight gets to the ropes. Escobar distracts the referee and Lopez hits LA Knight with a right hand and Escobar hits him with a 619.

-Commercial Break-

Back from commercial, LA Knight with a powerslam. Elektra Lopez gets on the ring apron and that distracts the referee. Logan Paul runs down and gets on the ring apron. He goes for a right hand but LA Knight ducks and hits him with a clothesline. LA Knight turns around and Escobar with a kick to the face. HE goes for the Phantom Driver but LA Knight lands on his feet and hits him with the BFT. He goes for the cover and gets the pin.

Winner: LA Knight

Logan Paul gets in the ring after the match and he attacks LA Knight. He stomps on LA Knight and grabs him but LA Knight pushes him into the corner and stomps on him. Escobar hits LA Knight with a flying knee to the face and he helps Logan Paul up. Both men double team LA Knight who is down. Logan Paul gets on the top rope and hits LA Knight with a frog splash.

We cut to the back and Naomi tells Byron she doesn’t know what Blair Davenport’s problem is with her. In come Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill who hype her up and tell her that they have to go take care of business.

-Commercial Break-

Logan Paul is backstage and is stopped by Byron Saxton. Paul tells him that he spoke to Mr. Cleveland and there is a surprise home coming for him at SummerSlam. He tells LA Knight that at SummerSlam, he is going to wrestle the pride of Cleveland.

Out come Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair to the ring. Bianca says she will cut to the chase. Alba and Dawn have been ghosting them and they ask where the Women’s Tag Team Champions are at. Jade tells them to stop ducking them.

Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn’s music hits and they attack Bianca and Cargill from behind. Bianca throws Dawn to the outside and Jade gorilla presses Alba Fyre over the top rope onto Dawn.

-Commercial Break-

Tiffany is backstage iwth a taped up briefcase and in comes Nia Jax who tells her that she will get her a new briefcase. Tiffany says she wants to get revenge on Bayley tonight.

Tag Team Gauntlet Match – Baron Corbin & Apollo Crews vs. Legado Del Fantasma

The bell rings and we are under way. Angel goes for a splash on Corbin but Corbin moves out of the way and he hits Angel with a clothesline. He grabs Angel but Angel with a right hand and Humberto is tagged in. They double team Corbin to the outside and Humberto with a suicide dive onto Corbin.

-Commercial Break-

Back from commercial, Apollo and Angel are tagged in. Apollo with a kick to the side of the head. Apollo with three German suplex. Apollo climbs the top rope and jumps but Angel with a knee to the face. Angel with a back breaker. He goes for the cover but Corbin breaks it up. Humberto clotheslines Corbin to the outside but Corbin drags him to the outside. He throws Humberto into the ring steps. Corbin tags himself in and he hits Angel with End of Days. He goes for the cover and gets the pin.

Legado Del Fantasma are eliminated.

Out come The Street Profits.

Ford starts the match with Apollo. Ford runs to the ropes and Apollo with a drop kick. He goes for a vertical suplex but Ford lands on his feet and he hits Apollo with a back drop. Dawkins is tagged in and a double clothesline. Corbin is tagged in and as is Ford. Right hands by Ford and he gets on the ring apron but Corbin with a right hand. Corbin runs to the ropes and Apollo throws him over the top rope onto The Street Profits.

-Commercial Break-

Back from commercial, Corbin with a clothesline off the top rope onto Ford. He grabs Ford but Ford hits him with a kick to the side of the head and both men are down. Dawkins and Apollo are tagged in. Dawkins with a clothesline followed by a suplex. He goes for the cover but Corbin breaks it up. Corbin goes for a spear in the corner onto Ford but Ford moves out of the way. Apollo throws Dawkins to the outside. Apollo and Ford look at each other and run towards opposite ends of the ring and land splashes onto Dawkins and Corbin. Apollo and Dawkins get in the ring and Dawkins with a right hand. Ford is tagged in and hit him with The Revelation. Ford goes for the cover and gets the pin.

Baron Corbin and Apollo Crews are eliminated.

Pretty Deadly come out for the match. Wilson rolls Dawkins from behind but Dawkins kicks out. Dawkins gets up and slams Wilson face first onto the mat. Ford is tagged in and they double team Wilson. Prince gets in the ring and they slam him onto Wilson. Ford throws Wilson to the rope and Prince tags himself in. Prince attacks Ford’s leg from behind. Wilson is tagged back in and they double team Ford in the corner. Prince is tagged back in and he hits Ford with an uppercut. Wilson is tagged back in and he attacks Ford’s left knee. Ford kicks Wilson into the corner and Prince is tagged in and as is Dawkins who hits Prince with an elbow. He goes for the cover but Prince kicks out. He throws Prince to the ropes and Wilson tags himself in and Wilson hits him with a DDT. He goes for the cover but Dawkins kicks out.

Prince tags himself in and goes for the cover but Ford breaks it up. Ford throws Wilson to the outside. Dawkins with a right hand and Ford is tagged in. They hit him with a blockbuster. Ford goes for the cover and gets the pin.

Pretty Deadly are eliminated

Out come The O.C.

-Commercial Break-

Anderson and Ford are in the ring. Anderson with a snapmare take down followed by a chin lock. Ford gets to his feet and hits Anderson with elbows but Anderson with an elbow to the face. He goes for the cover but Ford kicks out. Gallows is tagged in. Gallows runs to the ropes and hits him with a clothesline. He goes for the cover but Ford kicks out. A body slam by Gallows and Anderson is tagged in. He goes for the cover but Ford kicks out. Gallows with a powerslam. Gallows is tagged back in and he hits Ford with a suplex. He goes for a powerslam but Ford reverses it into a DDT and both men are down. Anderson is tagged in and he throws Ford into the corner. He runs towards Ford but Ford throws him over the top rope and onto the ring apron but Anderson slips and falls to the outside. Dawkins is tagged in and Gallows is thrown to the outside. Dawkins with a splash over the top rope onto The O.C. He throws Anderson back into the ring but Anderson with a spine buster. He goes for the cover but Dawkins kicks out. Gallows is tagged in. He lifts Dawkins up, Anderson runs to the ropes and Ford grabs Anderson’s leg. Dawkins lands on his feet, rolls Gallows up and gets the pin.

The O.C. are eliminated.

Out come The Bloodline.

-Commercial Break-

Tama Tonga with a cannon ball onto Dawkins in the corner. Fatu is tagged in and he chokes Dawkins on the second rope. The referee breaks it up and Fatu distracts the referee, Solo chokes Dawkins on the rope. Dawkins in the corner, Fatu goes for a splash but Dawkins moves out of the way. Ford and Tama Tonga are tagged in. Ford with a clothesline and a spine buster. He hits Fatu with a super kick. Ford climbs the top rope and he hits Tama Tonga with a cross body. He goes for the cover but Tama Tonga kicks out. Ford climbs the top rope but Tama with a right hand and he lands a suplex. Dawkins gets in the ring but Tama throws him to the outside. Fatu and Tama beat up Dawkins on the outside and Ford with a splash over the turnbuckle onto all three men. Ford throws Tama into the ring, he goes for a frog splash, Tama moves out of the way and Fatu is tagged in. Fatu with a suicide dive onto Dawkins on the outside. He gets back in the ring but Ford hits him with a DDT. Fatu gets straight back up and he hits Ford with a super kick and a Samoan drop. Fatu climbs the top rope and lands a moon sault. He goes for the cover and gets the pin.

Winners: The Bloodline

Solo Sikoa and Tonga Loa get in the ring and The Bloodline celebrate.

-Commercial Break-

Out come A-Town Down Under. They talk about how they would have won last week had it not been for Terence Crawford. Theory call Crawford out and tell him that he will come out and apologize to the greatest tag team in the world. Out comes the boxer and Waller says he disrespected them last week and it’s only fair that he apologizes to them tonight.

Crawford shakes his head. Waller tells him he might be the best boxer in the world but this is their ring. He tells Crawford that if he takes one more step towards him, his boy Theory will knock him out. Theory takes a step and Crawford knocks him out and Waller leaves the ring. That draws a loud reaction from the crowd and he celebrates in the ring.

A video package of Cody Rhodes airs. He talks about how he won the Royal Rumble and it was the fans who got him back his main event spot at WrestleMania. He mentions how he finished the story and the Bloodline were no more. Or he thought. This doppelganger version of them with nothing to lose is on SmackDown. And because of that, his friends, his allies and his partners were destroyed trying to fight by his side. He goes into SummerSlam as the champion and he has to bring all of his fire and passion. He can’t let it slip into the hands of The Bloodline. He says Solo is dangerous and he has proven that he will do what ever it takes to get what he wants. He says he has to look into Solo’s eyes to see what kind of a man he really is. He challenges Solo to meet him in the ring next week, face to face, one on one to see if Solo is ready. Because he knows that he is.

-Commercial Break-

-Commercial Break-

Andrade is backstage with Byron and he tells Byron that he was thinking about the United States Championship and in comes Carmelo Hayes. He tells Andrade that it’s not over until he wins. He tells Andrade that LeBron James even has an off night every now and then, it happens to the best of them. Andrade says he is not like LeBron, he is more like junior. Andrade tells him if he wants one more match, he will get it.

Tiffany Stratton and Nia Jax vs. Bayley and Michin

As Michin is walking down to the ring, Nia Jax and Tiffany Stratton attack her from behind. Out comes Bayley with a kendo stick but Nia and Tiffany run away. She checks up on Michin and Bayley starts to yell at the referee. Tiffany and Bayley get in the ring and the bell rings. Bayley with right hands and she throws Tiffany to the ropes but Tiffany with a shoulder tackle. Tiffany poses in the ring but Bayley kicks her down from behind. A sliding clothesline by Bayley. She goes for the cover but Tiffany kicks out. She grabs Tiffany but Tiffany pushes her into the corner and Tiffany with an elbow to the face and Bayley falls towards the ring apron. Bayley knocks Nia down and she kicks Tiffany. Bayley back in the ring, she rolls Tiffany up but Tiffany kicks out. Michin is back on the ring apron but Nia drags her down and hits her with a Samoan drop.

-Commercial Break-

Back from commercial, Nia and Tiffany double team Bayley in the ring. Nia goes for the cover but Bayley kicks out. Nia grabs Bayley and pushes her into the corner and Bayley falls to the mat. Tiffany is tagged back in and she hits Bayley with a splash in the corner. A chin lock by Tiffany and she throws Bayley to the ropes, hitting her with a spine buster. Tiffany goes for the cover but Bayley kicks out. Nia is tagged back in and she slams Bayley onto the mat. Nia with an elbow drop. Tiffany is tagged back in and she goes for a standing elbow onto Bayley but Bayley catches her and she lands a modified German suplex. Michin gets onto the ring apron and Jax is tagged in. Jax goes for a spear towards Bayley but Bayley moves out of the way and Nia spears the ring post. Tiffany is tagged in and as is Michin. She slams Tiffany face first onto the mat. Michin with a tornado DDT. She goes for the cover but Tiffany kicks out. Tiffany with a suicide dive onto Nia on the outside of the ring. Michin climbs the second rope, she goes for a cross body but Tiffany moves out of the way. Nia is tagged in and she goes for a splash onto Michin but Michin moves out of the way. Bayley is tagged in and she hits Nia with a knee to the face. Bayley climbs the top rope and she lands the elbow drop. She goes for the cover but Tiffany breaks it up. Bayley and Michin throw Tiffany to the outside. Michin is in the ring and the referee tells her to get out, that allows Tiffany to hit Bayley with the Money in the Bank briefcase. Nia hits Bayley with the Annihilator. She goes for the cover and gets the pin.

Winners: Tiffany Stratton and Nia Jax

A video of Solo Sikoa talking airs. He tells Cody Rhodes he will see him in the ring next week and that The Bloodline will win the Tag Team Championship. And he will win the title at SummerSlam. He says if Roman Reigns has a problem with that, he knows where to find him and SmackDown goes off the air.

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